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What are Your Rights after Termination?

Worried man reading a letter at his desk

Losing a job is a very stressful situation, regardless of the circumstance. It is made doubly, so when the termination is unjust and perhaps even illegal.

No matter whether the employer thinks they have standing to sever an employment relationship with an individual, in fact, the reality can be quite different. Bosses just cannot fire employees frivolously based on whims or perceived slights or with malicious intent. Those are antiquated and punitive reasons that have no place in the modern work world.

There is recourse available to you if you have been fired without due cause, notice, or reason. Your support for unjust termination in Baltimore, MD, will be found at a law firm like Mallon LLC, which has experience in steadfastly standing up for workers who have lost their jobs unfairly.

If you find yourself unemployed for no good reason, do not take the blow and move on — fight for your rights because the law is one your side. Statutes and regulations support you and can be put to use by your chosen law firm to build and present a strong case on your behalf.

There is legal precedent on your side and other remedies available, especially so for government employees. When your employment is ended, it is not the end of the line. It is an opportunity to get justice for what you have lost.

Dealing with wrongful termination is a very stressful vent, but it can be made better by seeking legal support in Baltimore, MD. Mallon LLC can help you.

Get Whistleblower Protection with Our Team

Close up of gavel, lawyer, and client

When good people stand idly by, corruption, fraud, and other deceitful workplace practices are allowed to flourish. These situations often have far-reaching impacts that grow with time.

It is not easy to speak up, and the act of being a whistleblower is not one that most people take lightly. It is the product of deep consideration and the urge to do what is right. Those same people are also concerned about the safety of their employment and any repercussions, which might befall them. That is why there are law firms that take it upon themselves to stand up with, and for, the little guy.

If you feel the need to speak out about a circumstance that you know is wrong — that you believe deeply needs to be addressed and corrected — remember that you are not alone. There is whistleblower protection in Baltimore, MD, which is available to you.

A firm like Mallon LLC will support you through this journey while employing all the tools available to them through the various protections offered workers by legislation such as the False Claims Act and the Maryland False Health Claims Act.

If you are faced with such a situation, take the time before you move into action to expose corruption or fraud, to ensure you have supports in place to uphold your rights and protections guaranteed under the law.

If you need to speak out about workplace corruption, remember there is whistleblower protection available. In Baltimore, MD, Mallon LLC stands for you.